Is your organization a good grant candidate?
In reviewing grant applications, the Board of Directors looks for a strong match between our mission and yours. To this end, please consider the following five questions. The closer a group is to being able to answer all five questions with an honest “yes,” the more likely that group is to receive a grant.
Q: Does your organization serve young people living in exceptionally challenging circumstances (due to inaccessibility of appropriate support services, chronic or extreme poverty, lack of educational or enrichment programs, marginalization, etc.)?
Q: Does your organization provide counseling, role modeling, mentoring, educational enrichment, or other similar programs to these youth?
Q: Is your organization between two and fifteen years old?
Q: Does your organization lack significant funding from large-scale charitable corporations (e.g., Boys & Girls Clubs, United Way, national religious organizations)?
Q: Is your organization registered with the IRS as a non-profit entity?
How to apply for a grant
If you answered “yes” to the questions above and believe your organization is a good fit for a grant from Charter Oak Foundation, please send us a letter of application that includes the following information.
1. Your organization’s name, age, and mission statement. Include your web address, if you have a website.
2. A one- to two-page statement indicating what funding you are requesting and how you would use these monies if a grant were made. Please note that most Charter Oak Foundation grants are for $5000.
3. The names and titles of the members on your Board of Directors. We invite you to share your board’s own diversity, equity, and inclusion journey (racial and gender diversity, years of service, personal or professional backgrounds and interests, etc.), if you are willing to share that information with us.
4. The name of the contact person who will be available to answer questions, and that person's title, phone number, and mailing and e-mail addresses.
5. A clear copy of your organization’s IRS form 501(c)(3).
6. A copy of your organization’s most recent annual budget.
Grant applications are reviewed twice yearly, and submission deadlines are indicated on this site. We will contact you with any questions we have after receiving your application, and generally with within a week or two of the board meeting in which your proposal was considered.
Please note:
Charter Oak Foundation grants rarely exceed $5000.
Groups awarded a grant may reapply for future grants; however, we do not accept repeat grant applications within a 12-month period. We hope you will find other supporters who will help you thrive, which in turn enables us to remain focused on helping other smaller, newer groups.
Organizations are capped at $25,000 in lifetime funding or five funded grant applications, whichever comes first. Please feel to contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you for your interest in support from Charter Oak Foundation. We look forward to learning more about your work on behalf of youth in need.